Why buy ReillyCoin.
We’re living in an economic environment and period of history that is unprecedented in monetary and fiscal policy. Central banks are experimenting with new monetary models under an element of duress due to the economic and health crisis that has plagued the world since 2008 & 2019 respectively. This experiment is engineered as central planning from within a centralised financial system orchestrated by global central banks and sovereign governments. Unfortunately it is an experiment there are no rule or text books to read through for answers to how this monetary policy experiment plays out. We know politicians and central bankers can get it wrong even in normal economic cycles and recessions, so what are the probabilities of them getting something wrong during a global economic and health crisis? You do the math.
Thankfully we now live in a digital age of smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and alternative digital assets that are stores of value which are all integral to the world of decentralised finance. Which democratises finance and allows the individual to take more responsibility for ones own financial future and freedom while mitigating and protecting oneself from the possibility of global central bankers and politicians getting it wrong. Welcome to decentralised finance, welcome to Reilly Coin.
Reilly Coin is a decentralised ECR-20 Smart contract run on the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. Reilly Coin has a capped supply of tokens at 300 million, no more will ever be minted, protecting value in scarcity. Reilly Coin will have a Treasury Account which will hold a variable % of Reilly Coins supply and will also engage in buying up Reilly Coins from the market place to suit its mandate and strategy. Reilly Coin has a utility of purpose as a method of exchange and payment between peers., business to business. Our developers are working on a payment process that will allow businesses to accept Reilly Coin as a method of payment from customers. Our organisation believes in the blockchain network and the possibilities endless opportunities it presents to create many disruptive enterprises in decentralised finance and countless other areas of commerce.
Our organisation has analysed and researched that the current economic environment with excess liquidity and risk assets at all time highs, confirms there is a necessity and demand for new additional stores of value, especially digital decentralised ones, like Reilly Coin.
Let’s look at the rational argument for requiring a store of value in the current economic environment, together with what potentially is ahead via global monetary policy.