Reilly Coin - Digital Currency, Digital Asset and store of value for the 21st Century.
Reilly Coin is a global digital asset, store of value & cryptocurrency.
There is added value in scarcity and why Reilly Coin™ has a fixed and capped supply of tokens as a method of exchange, a store of value with a utility of purpose too.
Where can I buy Reilly Coin?
Buy, sell and trade Reilly Coin here.
Reilly Coin has ESG credential's & the environment at heart.
Our coin has been selected by the Royal Court of East Bréifne O’Reilly as the exclusive coin for all of its business projects, acquisitions & deals. Many of those projects across the world are renewables including Solar Farms, Forestry, and biomass. The organisation will only accept Reilly Coin™ in all Private Equity capital raising, equity and debt funding to complete and fund deals & acquisitions. Together with using Reilly Coin™ as its internal currency for all global transfers of value between members including paying out dividends. Our developers are also working on a global payments system for businesses to accept Reilly Coin as a method of exchange.
O’Reilly’s Money.
Our Reilly Coin™ digital asset is a modern version of the original anti-centralised finance currency, the O’Reilly Silver coins. Which were minted in Ireland from the 13th to the early 17th century. These silver coins were used for finance and traded across Ireland, Britain & Continental Europe and coined the phrase ‘The Life of Reilly.’
How do I accept Reilly Coin as a method of payment in my business?
Our developers are working on a global payments system to allow business large and small to accept Reilly Coin as a method of payment. If you want to know more and be kept up to date on the latest developments, hit the button below.